How to Market a Personal Training Business

Most personal trainers think the only thing they need to

know is how to market a personal training business in

order to have a successful business.



NOTE: I explain it all in great detail in the video below…

The answer to getting more clients and more client referrals

into your personal training or boot camp business is not



== News Flash ==


You don’t need more lead boxes, postcards, Facebook ads, or

deal-of-the-day promotions.


And you certainly don’t need more Google ad words, SEO or

press releases.


All those things are great and they do just fine at getting you

leads and prospects… but to ultimately converts those leads

and prospects into clients who’ll pay, stay and refer you need

to do something different.

What you need to do is to build better relationships with your current



And to constantly stay in front of your former clients in a meaningful



And to deepen the relationship, trust, and your credibility with

your prospects so that they’ll think of you and come to you when

they’re ready to get into shape and lose the fat.


And to build authority and credibility with local businesses so that

they’ll refer their customers and clients to you and no one else.


These days it’s all about social marketing…


It’s about creating a community and being known as the expert

to that community that’s the real secret on how to market a personal

training business for maximum profits and success.

It’s about always staying in front of your clients, past clients, prospect

and business contact with content that educates, entertains and

positions you as the authority on fitness and fat loss.


I don’t know of a better way of doing this than with email marketing.


Unlike direct mail that can be expensive and unpredictable, email

marketing is really low cost and you can get results instantly.


And unlike SMS or text market that’s intrusive and seen by most as

a nuisance, email marketing has greater value because you have

plenty of room to educate, inform, and entertain the folks on your

email list.


Email marketing = relationship marketing.


And these days it’s all about cultivating relationships and staying

front of mind.


But that’s where a lot of trainers go wrong with email marketing…


It’s a damn shame but I see so many trainers take time to build an

email list only to destroy any relationship that have with that list.


The BIG PROBLEM is usually one of two things for most trainers:


1. You’re sporadic with your mailing… inconsistent at best and

wondering why people aren’t calling or contacting you for your



2. The only time that you send an email out is to pitch or promote

something – which ultimately makes the folks on your email list

unresponsive and not want to do business with you.


Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with sending out

promotions to your list and making them offers… after all, that’s

why we’re all in business and in fact at the end of THIS email I’m

going to make YOU an offer…


…however way before you promote, pitch and offer you should

be adding value, delivering content and showcasing your expertise.


That’s the missing ingredient… and that’s the “THING” that you

probably don’t have time to do.


But I’ll show you how you do have time and how you can actually

automate the whole thing.


But first, here’s the formula for making the subscribers on your email

list super responsive and getting them to know, like, and trust you…


Send out two to three content and value driven email per week.


Here are some ideas for your emails.


– send out a content rich e-newsletter


– send out a healthy recipe.


– send out a client case study email


– send out a 15 minute “home workout program”


– send out an email to a YouTube video that you created for your

clients and prospects.


See, when you add value to the lives of your clients, prospects, and

business contacts and you do it consistently, over a relatively short

period of time you’ll be seen as the local expert… the credible source

and authority on fitness and fat loss.


And that makes marketing, selling and referral generation a whole lot

easier for you… in fact it makes practically automatic.


Now, if you don’t know where to begin or want access to an email

marketing and email list building platform that thousands of fitness

trainers already use to get more clients, automate their marketing, and

referral generation then you show try the #1 software for email marketing

for fitness trainers because it’s free for a full 30 days.


This is a real 30 day trial of the full program for free.


No credit card required.


No strings attached.


Just the #1 client getting, email marketing, and list building program

for you to try out at no cost for a full 30 days.


Here’s the special link for the free 30 day trial:


Committed to your success,


Bedros Keuilian


P.S. Remember there’s no credit card required for this free 30 day trial.

So there’s no reason why you shouldn’t get FitPro Newsletter now and

let it help you build your list, get more clients, and stimulate more referrals

in the next 30 days at no cost to you. <== go here to try it out.