The personal training game is different then it was back in the mid 90′s. Yet 95% of all fitness trainers still do business the “old fashion way”.
See back in the day trainers sold single sessions or small blocks of 4, 8, or 12 sessions at a time. And most trainers only did one on one 60-minute sessions. No one had heard of boot camps, group training or the 30-minute session back then.
But if you want to know how to sell personal training in today’s competitive market, well I can tell you that it’s a whole new animal these days. Today the most successful fitness trainers sell long term, results oriented personal training programs. In fact these same super successful trainers most do 30 minutes sessions or group training.
If you’re ready to stop selling personal training the old fashion way then check out the four rules to remember.
Don’t sell packages. Sell results. Other trainers are in the fitness business, YOU should be in the outcome business. If you’re selling single session or small blocks of sessions then STOP selling right now because you’re doing yourself and your clients a disservice. Each time your client has to repurchase a personal training package from you is an opportunity to lose the sale. If you know that your clients needs to workout at least 3 days a week for the next 12 months to see the results they want then sell them what they NEED. After all you know best, right?
This video does a really good job at teaching you how to sell personal training without feeling like you’re being pushy.