Yes, every shampoo bottle on the planet has been giving you marketing wisdom. Rinse and repeat. Once you have gone through first five steps in creating your marketing plan checklist you should take your experience and go through the checklist again.
Going through the checklist again will provide you with valuable insight that would be hard to get any other way. Think about it; when selecting your marketing platform for your fitness business the first time, you had not really done it before. You guessed what was “factory installed” for you and went with it.
Now you have experience with all of the different fitness marketing options.
Which ones really worked?
Which ones got you excited?
Which one did you end up hating?
Answering those questions will let you revamp the checklist for marketing your fitness business. This will improve your success rate.
Discovering that a YouTube optimization campaign (or whatever campaign you chose) was or wasn’t effective in your area and applying that to your template will further increase your marketing efficiency. Remember it is important not only that you work with your factory installed settings, but also that you cater to your area’s needs. Now that you have more information about what works on both fronts you are better able to decide what will work in the future.
The ABC’s of fitness marketing should still apply. If for some reason the binders (your reminders of marketing your business) got buried in your workspace it is time to dig them out again. You must continually create marketing material for your business. It should already be a habit, but if for some reason it didn’t stick the first time, make it stick this time.
Keep rotating your fitness leads.
Have you learned how many “no’s” it takes before the word really means no? If you have then make it a cap in your business, 4 no’s and I move on, or whatever the number is.
Have you discovered how often you should contact a lead who has said no? Once a month? Twice? When you answer these questions you can now make them policy and an official part of your fitness plan.
Did you successfully run your powerhouse promotions?
What did you learn about your standard promotions?
Take this experience and make it policy. This is really important, especially if you plan on letting some of the marketing duties go to an employee at any point. Learn from your mistakes and from your successes. Let’s face it most of us learn more from mistakes then we do success. The reason you kept track of all that information was so that you would learn it faster than your competition.
Finally you should be revamping your entire plan at least once a year once all of it is set as policy. Markets change. Expectations change. Your marketing should reflect those changes as well. Stale marketing will make your business stagnant. Rinse and repeat should be done as often as desired but at least as often as once a year.
Now you are fully prepared and should have a good idea how to create your marketing strategy for your fitness business. Print out the checklist and get to work building a successful stream of clients.