Have you ever heard the story of how I made my first million dollars?
It’s pretty unbelievable, really— not because of the amount of money I made but because of the way I made it.
You see, I used the same techniques I am always teaching here on my blogs and videos. I had an email list, I had previously built rapport with a solid group of customers that liked, knew, and trusted me, and I sent out a product to this list that brought in my first million.
What’s remarkable, however, is that I made all this money with a list of only 4,300 customers. That means that within just a few days and with merely a few, well crafted emails, I was able to get just over four thousand strangers to fork out ONE MILLION DOLLARS.
Let me tell you, it literally made me feel like I had the ability to print money on demand.
Scary, I know. But there are a few key strategies that made this a possibility. First off, my product was great. This is essential if you want people to become your customers and stay your customers. Your email copy might be enough to get them to commit to the sale, but if your content is garbage you will be overwhelmed with refund requests and you will never get return customers out of any of those disappointed buyers.
Secondly, I had dedicated a lot of time to building rapport. I built this list and maintained it for a while before I ever tried to sell (more on this in a minute).
Lastly, I wrote fantastic, irresistible, unstoppable marketing emails.
Why should you care?
Because I just put together a checklist of all the elements you need to make your email copy incredible too. But before we get to my list, we need to lay some groundwork. I’m going to teach you the fundamentals of email copy so that you are familiar with the terminology and basic components.
First of all, there are two main types of email copy. There are what we call the Content Email and the Offer Email.
A Content Email contains exactly what its name implies: interesting, valuable, and engaging content. Include new workouts you have seen or developed, fat burning recipes you have tried and like, or even direct your readers to other websites and videos that you think will genuinely benefit them. Remember when I told you that I spent weeks building trust with my list before I sent out my million-dollar product? This is how I did it, and I encourage you to do the same. You should send these out to your list often, even multiple times a week, and you should be sending these types of emails for weeks between the launch of each new product.
The second type of Email Copy I use is called an Offer Email and, just as you might of figured, this is where you include the offer for your product. You need to fill this email with OVERWHELIMG reasons to buy your product or service. But don’t get too carried away; you just spent weeks building trust, you don’t want to throw that all away with copy that scares your prospects.
But by this point you should be comfortable asking these people to buy something from you. You have provided them with weeks of useful and valuable content; they trust you and it won’t come as a surprise to them that you would like them to check out your product— in fact, by this time they should feel as if they owe you something. The feelings of reciprocity created by your content emails will ensure that the majority of them will at least read about and check out your product.
Now that you understand the two types of copy, and you know when to use each, let’s take a look at the checklist I developed that will ensure your emails contain everything they need to be effective and make money.
#1 – Subject Line – The subject line for each email you send needs to encourage your reader to commit to the action of opening your email. This is the first and most difficult obstacle you must overcome with your email copy. Use whatever strategies you can that will help you get high open rates and still maintain your list’s trust. Here are a few of my best performing email subject lines:
– CASE STUDY: Trainer Makes $7,000 in 72 hours.
– WOW… Un-Freak’in Believable
– Hey 🙂
#2 – Second Subject Line – The first sentence of your email body, otherwise known as the second subject line, should pick up right where the headline leaves off. Remember, these two sentences are the very first material anyone will be able to see, so make sure you generate plenty of interest and encourage your list to read farther, but don’t sell too early and scare them off before they get all the information.
#3 – Sell the Click, Not the Product – The purpose of your email, even if it is an offer email, is not to directly sell a product. Instead, you should generate massive interest in your product— enough interest to encourage a reader to click out of the email and onto a sales page or squeeze page that will contain all your product sales copy. Keep these personal emails personal, keep them informative even when you are trying to make sales, and allow them to push traffic into the dedicated sales copy. This way you maintain trust and still get traffic to your sales pitch.
#4 – Subject Line and Hyperlink Match – Those who choose to open your email must have resonated with your Subject Line. Therefore, they are likely to click on a hyperlink matching your subject line located somewhere within your email body.
#5 – Three Links Minimum – Locate one link above the fold, (the area that is visible upon opening the email before a reader scrolls down) one in the middle, and one at the end or in the Post Script. While not all of the links need to send readers to your content or pages, make sure none of them will encourage a reader to buy a product that replaces yours!
#6 – Mechanism of Scarcity – When sending an offer email you will see noticeably greater responses if you create a mechanism of scarcity that encourages readers to act immediately rather than some time later in the future. There are thousands of distractions pulling and tugging on your reader’s attention— if they don’t order right away, odds are, they never will. So make sure they understand that they will miss out on something if they don’t take immediate action and buy your product NOW.
#7 – Call to Action – Finally, your emails, whether offer or content, should always include an encouraging call to action. Whether you are trying to make a sale or merely teach some healthy habits, you want your readers to see your content and perform some type of action in response. Individuals who like your content and make a decision or change some aspect of their lives because of it are going to be more likely to come back to you for more content and will be more willing to pay you for it.
So there you have the most essential elements of great email copy. The next time you write an email to send to your list, cross-reference it with this checklist and make sure it ticks all the boxes. I promise these strategies will improve your email responses and, ultimately, make you more money!
Committed to Your Success,