the #1 habit of unsuccessful people

If you own a fitness business then you probably
have a few core habits in common with other

For example….

you’re a pioneer – a risk taker of sorts

you don’t do well working for others

you want to help others and are in it
for the personal satisfaction, and not
just the money

you KNOW deep down in your gut that
you were meant to be an entrepreneur

But there’s one habit that you want to
avoid like the plague.

And this habit is what gets so many
“would be” great entrepreneurs into
a world a trouble.

The habit is procrastination…

… and it’s the kiss of death for an otherwise
great business. And frankly, it’s the fastest
way to end up poor.

Long ago I head this saying that stuck with
me throughout my personal training career,
and now into my coaching and consulting

The saying is: Procrastination is the habit of
the poor.

I believe this to be 100% true.

See, procrastination stems from two places.

1. Fear of failure – which really is something
an entrepreneur should NEVER fear becuase
failing is part of entrepreneurship.

That’s how we know if something worked or not.

Just look at Thomas Edison.

2. Negative self talk. There’s nothing worse then
getting stuck in the loop of the “what if’s” in your
head and ceasing up.

Slap yourself if that every happens to you, and just
take action – no matter how imperfect that action is.

Imperfect action is 10X better than no or late action,
and it’s THE best way to overcome procrastination.

Live Easy,

Bedros 🙂

Fitness Marketing on Autopilotâ„¢