Ignore it

Over the weekend, a close friend sent me a link to Joel Osteen’s
website and asked me to check out his talk titled “Knowing What
to Ignore”.

starting a personal training business
Too bad the video is no longer up, otherwise I would have given
you the link to it… so I’ll just do my best in explaining the message
Joel shared in it.

You can’t make everyone happy. And if you try, you’ll likely end up
making no one happy.

In life when you’re the person shaking things up, making it happen,
beating a new path, finding a better way, and giving better results,
you’re going to be talked about, hated, dissed on and picked apart
by those who want to do what you do, but can’t.

Joel gave the analogy of the eagle and the crow… and it makes
total sense.

Apparently the crow is the arch nemesis of the eagle – probably
becuase the eagle is so much more majestic.

For whatever reason the crow has a hate on for the eagle.

In fact the crow, by nature, will pecks at the eagle and becuase
it’s smaller and more agile it tends to out maneuver and harass
the eagle…. but only to a point

…becuase the eagle has a very unique ability that no other bird
on the planet does.

It’s been well documented that eagles can soar up to 20,000 feet
in elevation – far beyond what the crow is able to climb to, and so
the crow makes an attempt and then falls short every time.

Listen, you’re an awesome trainer. You deliver results like no one
can. You take the time to invest in yourself and your business.

You’re always looking for a better way – becuase the status qua
is not enough for you.

And becuase of your greatness YOU’LL always have crows, turkeys
and chickens trying to peck at you.

Don’t give them a second of your time, energy or attention.

YOU owe it to yourself, your clients, and your business to stay focused
and deliver value to those who LOVE you and not justify or defend
yourself to those who hate on you.

Get it?

You’re an eagle, man (or woman)!  And don’t you forget it! 😉


P.S. I just put the video footage of Fitness Business Summit 12 up
for sale. You should check it, becuase the stuff that you’ll learn will
only help you take your business to new heights. Lot’s a eagle stuff
here – no crows.
http://FitnessBusinessSummit.com <= Check it out.