This might be “old school” but it still works, is reletivly low cost to deploy and deliver SERIOUS LEADS!
I’m talking about personal trainer lead box marketing 🙂
I recently asked Cabel McElderry (one of my top coaching clients and now a member of my ELITE 7 Figure Formula Mastermind) to give his million dollar marketing over overview and share with YOU his super secret lead box marketing tactic.
So without further ado… here are two videos that will get your personal training business dialed for seven figure (from a guys who’s actually earning seven figures.)
In this video Cabel share his million dollar marketing overview. When he went shared this at Fitness Business Summit 09 last month the entire room went CRAZY.
And in this video Cabel gives you the actual script he uses to get local business to display and PROMOTE his lead boxes.
His combination of using FitPro Newsletter and lead boxes to generate tons of QUALIFIED prospects is brilliant, right?
I want your feedback… leave your comments and opinions below.