Are You a Fake?

You’re either an entrepreneur or a fake!

That’s how I started my presentation last weekend at the TT Summit in San Diego.

The ballroom was packed full of fitness pros and I was there to teach them how to double… and even triple their success in half the time they thought was possible.

I shared five truths that would create massive success and force multiply their marketing results.

Here’s one of those truths…

If you think that competition is healthy then you’re nuts!

Post 41I assume that you believe that you’re a great trainer, right?

I assume that you believe that everyone who’s looking for fitness and fat loss in your community is best off training with you over anyone else, right?

I assume that you deliver the results and service better than any other gym, boot camp or training studio, right?

I assume that you care for your clients and want to see them succeed more than any other trainer would.


Why allow YOUR prospects to potentially find and hire your competitors over you if you’re clearly the better trainer?

After all, if you’re the best at what you do, and you deliver the results, service, and community then you have an obligation, and in fact, duty to make sure that EVERYONE who’s looking for a fitness and fat loss solution in your community works with you and NOT with your competitors.

And by believing in the lie of “competition is healthy”, you’re effectively saying that you don’t give a damn about your prospective clients…

…and even worse, you’re saying that you really don’t believe that you’re as good as you say you are…


As best selling author Grant Cardone says; “if competition is healthy, then domination is immunity”.


Listen, allowing competition of thrive in your community is accepting mediocrity and in fact joining them.

Last I heard you didn’t subscribe to my email list just so you can end up in the sea of mediocrity.

Post 21If you really believe that you’re the clear and obvious choice for anyone looking for a fitness program then you have an obligation to dominate your community.

You have an obligation to put your competition out of business so that your potential clients do not mistakenly work with an inferior trainer who’s either going to hurt them, fail them, or ruin our industry’s reputation.


You should be talked about.

You should be read about.

You should be seen everywhere online – email, Facebook, twitter, instagram, Google, PPC, and YouTube.

You should be seen everywhere off-line – lunch and learns with local businesses, body fat tables all over town. You should be the one leading the warm up and cool down at all community events like 5K’s and mud runs.

You should be in the local paper, magazine, and show up to their house on a postcard packed with social proof and a killer offer.

Be consumed with dominance. Be obsessed with it!

Rise up and be the best at what you do and then make sure that everyone in your community knows it.

F.O.M. A.

Front Of Mind Awareness.

Look, “politically correct” social programing has misled you by making you think that competition is good, fair and healthy. It’s not.

If you’re the best at what you do then you need to think “dominance” because you owe it to the community that you serve… and they deserve to train with the best fitness pro in town – and that’s YOU.

Post 19I want you to zoom out with me for a second. Zoom way, way out, past the 30,000 foot level and look down on your business. When your this far out you don’t see all the pieces you can only see the whole.

And when you look at things this way, all the junk melts away. It’s not about referral numbers and Facebook ads, it’s not about pictures or copywriting or websites– when you get past all those complex systems and see your business at the most basic level it’s all about helping people.

And you can’t ensure that your people are getting the right kind of help unless you’re the one providing what they need.

Okay, now zoom back in– way in. Shoot all the way back down to ground level and what do you have? Every promotion, every system, every employee and every sales consultation. From this perspective you can’t see the big picture, all you can see are the parts that make up the whole.

But this view is just as important! You’ve got to make sure every one of these parts is as perfect as you can get it. You’ve got to monitor, delegate and lead each initiative, plan, strategy and system to make sure your business is doing exactly what it should to dominate the competition and stay in your prospect’s Front of Mind Awareness.

Now, if you want to join me and hundreds of other super ambitious and driven fitness business owners who are dominating their communities, helping tons of people and creating massive success for themselves then I want you to consider opening up a Fit Body Boot Camp franchise.

I started Fit Body Boot Camp as a business model to achieve three things…

1) To give fitness pros a paint by numbers business system that’s predictable, profitable, and easy to grow. That’s why we do all of the marketing, web design, systems, and operations for you and even provide business coaching so that you can have a turnkey fitness business that lets you do what you do best, which is to help more people burn fat and get fit.

2) To give people in your town a place where they can workout where there’s community and where the workouts are led by a professional and knowledgeable trainer who cares about the clients and their success.

3) To make working with a fitness expert affordable for more people while at the same time giving you, the owner, the opportunity to reach and impact more lives.

FBBC GirlsAnd that’s why Fit Body Boot Camp locations are so successful in such a short period of time. And that’s why I want you to start a Fit Body Boot Camp or convert your boot camp into a FBBC and let us help you take it to massive success.

To see if a FBBC territory is available in your area just click this link and fill out an Expression of Interest Form.