Vaccinating Your Fitness Business– It’s the Right Choice

All the hoopla about vaccines that’s been spreading around lately is really starting to get old. At this point, I don’t care if we all go down in one flaming pile of measles as long as the media would just shut up about it already! (If you haven’t heard, just Google Measles and Disneyland. Should clear things up for you.)

But, as over-covered current events usually do, all this talk about vaccines has got me thinking. There is a great analogy to be drawn here between vaccinations, the measles outbreak, and setting up your fitness business.Vaccines

When it comes to getting things started off right, there are lots of ‘vaccinations’ you should be shooting into your business so that you avoid common sicknesses that lots of business catch after a few years. There are procedures, ideas, safeguards you can put into place now, while you’re starting (or even if you’ve been going for a while) that should save you from getting caught up in any future epidemics.

So pull down that crackly sheet of paper, hop up on the doctor’s bench and roll up those sleeves because it’s time to give your fit biz some shots!

The Hiring Bad People Vaccine

This is one shot that your business needs on day one. Establish a policy of hiring the right kinds of people so that the wrong kind of person never ruins you.

I’m not even talking about finding people who can do their jobs, that goes without saying. I’m talking about hiring the kinds of people that aren’t going to cause major problems for you later after your business starts to age.

You would be shocked by the amount of my employees that have been dishonest or deceitful when it comes to money, training, sales, commissions, whatever. You might think that your employees will never let you down, but people can make some pretty bad decisions when the pressure is on, so make sure you are absolutely sure about the honesty and integrity of those you hire.

You also want to make sure you bring on people who have the kind of attitude that will help you grow, rather than hold you back. You want people excited to learn, to grow, and to work. People with drive, determination and ambition, balanced by honesty and integrity— that’s what you need to succeed. Don’t hire anyone else.

The Bad Marketing Vaccine

Here’s one you knew was coming. Making sure you establish good marketing practices in the beginning is like a shot that will keep your business from falling prey to poor marketing schemes in the future.

Without getting into a whole lot of detail (you can get tons of detail on marketing all over this site) the right marketing is about doing your research, knowing your $h!t, learning what works, and getting help when you need it.

FBSIf you want to make your business immune to bad marketing you need be an awesome marketer. You do that by reading, researching, keeping up with this blog and my products, and most especially by going to Fitness Business Summit each year.

I know you’ve heard a lot about this lately but there truly is no better way to stay on top of your marketing strategies. Meeting with hundreds of other fitness pros, hearing from in-the-trenches pros who know exactly how to do things right, keeping up on the current trends— you need this vaccine every single year.

Think of it like the Flu Shot. Flu viruses mutate each year, right? Well, so does bad marketing! There’s always some new get rich quick scam or some new technology that tries to fool you into wasting a bunch of money on junk that doesn’t work. But if you get your FBS shot each year, you’ll be immune to all that.

The No Niche Vaccine

This is one that affects so many different businesses. Appealing to the wrong kinds of clients or trying to appeal to every kind of client is like a sickness that will drive your business to the ground.

To avoid this disease you’ve got to establish your target niche, make sure it’s the right one, and stick with it. There are even micro-niches now that have brought huge success to some of the businesses I work with.

I’m sure you’ve heard me talking about Dr. Dan Ritche, Dr. Cody Sipe, and their Functional Aging Institute. These guys have mastered the art of finding a great niche and pulling huge successes out of it.

You don’t have to train seniors but you do need to find your own niche. It could be a market that only exists in your area or maybe it’s a market other fitness professionals haven’t gotten to yet. Whatever it is, find out how you can establish yourself and make a name for yourself within that special niche.

Once you get it right you’ll never have to suffer from the problems that come from having the wrong niche or having none at all.

The Idea Fairy Vaccine

This one is really important for all different kinds of fitness businesses, or any business person, really. Whether you’re a personal trainer, a boot camp owner, or the author of information products, the idea fairy can hit you like an epidemic and make your business truly sick.

See, the thing about entrepreneurs like us is that we are FULL of ideas. There are so many plans, hopes, dreams, money-making schemes that we want to try and make happen. And that’s what’s great about us: our drive, determination, ambition. But these traits can get us into a whole lot of trouble.

It all starts with one idea, right? It’s your big one, the one that’s really going to get you where you want to be. But as soon as you finaidea fairylly commit to that one idea, three other ideas pop into your head about how something different could work better or might be more fun or could make more money. Then you get convinced that your original idea was no good, you start on a new idea, and before you know it you’ve changed your mind again.

You see, the idea fairy has a tendency to sneak into our head whenever we get something started and keep us from ever getting anything finished.

So when you get started on a great idea, don’t let anything stop you from making that idea a reality.

Now, if you suddenly realize you are going to fail completely if you don’t change something, then obviously you should adjust your plans. But if your big idea is to start a successful Fit Body Boot Camp, then don’t do or think about anything else until that dream comes true.

Train yourself to take your career one idea at a time and you’ll be immune to the idea fairy’s harmful affects.

The Wrong Goals Vaccine

Sounds dumb, right? It’s not hard to set goals, anyone can do it at any time.

I want to go to Mars. Boom. Goal set.

But it’s crappy goals like that one that you should learn to avoid. Falling for the wrong goals can make a huge mess for you and your business, so get this vaccine and avoid them altogether.

Are you dead-set on becoming the best one-on-one trainer when what you really should be doing is starting a fitness boot camp? Are you in love with the idea of a $1 Million, state-of-the-art facility, with all the newest equipment, when all you really need are some ropes and a few kettlebells?

Now do you see what I mean when I say bad goals? Sometimes our wants overshadow our needs, and our ideas get a little bigger than they need to be.

You’ve got to think your goals all the way through, from beginning to end. Think about every single step it’s going to take for you to get to your goal. Then think about what that goal is actually going to accomplish, and see if the cost is worth the reward.

Maybe you’re aiming too high, maybe too low, or just completely off-target.

Sometimes you need someone else, someone outside of your head and even your business to let you know if you’ve got the right goals or the wrong ones.

goalsWe fall in love with our hopes and dreams, and that’s ok, as long as we are able to break up with them when it’s time to move on. A sound business coach or mentor will be able to tell you if your working towards the right kinds of outcomes or if you’ve gotten a bit off-tack with your goals.

Whatever your opinion on real vaccines, these figurative ones will save your businesses from a whole lot of problems and diseases.

Make sure you never fall prey to poor hiring choices, never catch the marketing flu, avoid the no-niche sickness, stay immune to the Idea Fairy, and fight off those contagious goal-setting habits.

Committed to Your Success,
