9 Absolutely Essential Principles of Every Successful Business

I’d like to introduce you to someone.Rich Trainer

Meet my good friend Marvin; he’s the richest personal trainer on the face of the planet.
Marvin is known around town as a stand-up, first class kind of guy because he’s built a reputation for himself. Marvin’s clients get results. They tell their friends, family and co-workers about his training programs because he’s the best at what he does. In fact, referrals are Marvin’s number one source of new clients.

Marvin’s clients pay top dollar because, in addition to delivering results as promised, Marvin offers something other trainers in his area don’t: an awesome client experience.
You see, Marvin is more than just a personal trainer. He’s a marketing expert, and the “thing” he’s best at marketing is fitness and fat loss. He doesn’t sell personal training— he sells OUTCOMES.

And that is what differentiates him from all of his competitors.
Because while his competitors sell on price and product, he sells on results and experience, and that puts him in a category of one. This is also why he is able to charge more than any other trainer in his area and never compete on price.

Marvin is what I consider ‘Best in Class,’ and his business is rock solid proof of that fact.
You’re probably wondering why I don’t talk about Marvin more often. Well, that’s because ‘Marvin’ doesn’t really exist. I just made him up right now. He’s merely a figment of my imagination.

But there are, in reality, a bunch of other fitness pros just like Marvin who are as real as the air you breath

And just like my fictitious Marvin, these individuals are absolutely rocking it with hugely successful businesses. They produce multiple six figure incomes, some up to seven, and they have personal satisfaction and freedom because they’re living their passion each and every day.

Fitness ProsTake, for instance, Fit Body Boot Camp owners like Sean Barker, Stephanie Flynn, Shawna Kaminski, Sonya Gonzalez, Josh Carter, Jeff Sherman, John and Cara Eckerman, Riccardo Scala, Butch Nieves, Rebecca Tabbert, and Sean Francis, just to name a few.

I know these fitness trainers personally. I get to work with them monthly, weekly, and sometimes even daily. I get to see first hand why they are the most successful trainers on the planet.

Each and every single one of these massively successful trainers and business owners are real live ‘Marvins’.

So I guess in that way Marvin is NOT just a figment of my imagination.

Some might think that these trainers simply got lucky or might of stumbled upon a secret that got them to this high level of success.  I can tell you with certainty, however, that they got to where they are today because they practiced a tried and true set of principles that set them up for this incredible success. These money making, success guaranteeing principles, are what I call the nine foundational ideologies of any successful business.

1. Quality – They deliver an exceptional product (and I’m guessing you do, too). More than that, though, they deliver the WOW experience that makes their clients feel appreciated, recognized, and valued.

The next eight things are what truly differentiate them from the ‘average’ trainer.

2. Marketing – Each of these individuals and teams are expert marketers of their services. However, I can tell you first hand that not a one of them started off this way. Yet they became expert marketers because they put in the time, money, effort, and sweat to learn these skills.

3. Work Ethic – These masters work harder than anyone I know. They never make excuses to get out of work— nights, weekends, whatever. When it’s time to Get S#!t Done, they go into GSD mode and make it happen.

4. Accountability – These men and women own their business and they own every decision, every outcome, every success and failure. They don’t listen to the babbling heads on TV and blame the economy for hardships or downturns. No, they create their own economy in midst of one that is broken.

5. Contact – The best must understand the value of a contacts list. Each and every single one of the trainers I listed above has an email list of clients, prospects, past clients, and business contacts to whom they consistently deliver value, content, and offers that keep money flowing.

6. Risk – Successful people take risks. They confidently put risk upon their shoulders and guarantee results; otherwise clients wouldn’t pay. Sadly, not enough trainers believe in their services enough to do the same.

7. Efficiency – None of these top performers run their own businesses. Instead, they run their systems and the systems run their business at peak performance, all the time.

8. Acquisition – They are all expert sellers of their personal training programs. And once again, I can tell you first hand that these guys and gals were not born with the ability to sell. However, they are able to recognize that selling is nothing more than a transference of feelings and becoming an assistant buyer. They have learned this skill and from it they continually profit.

9. The 5:95 Rule – When it comes to tasks, they do the critical few and delegate the Martin Blog #3trivial many. This is the 5:95 rule that I refer to so often. It is the most effective mentality for owning and operating a business because 5% of what you have the potential to do is solely responsible for the number of amount of income you generate. Make that 5% your 100% commitment. It only makes sense for you to do more of the things that are in your 5% and delegate the other 95% to others.

YOU have every opportunity to join the ranks of the most successful and highest earning fitness trainers on the planet.

YOU have access to every tool, resource, and information available to help you get there.

And if you want my help, I’m here for YOU. 

Committed to your success,

Bedros Keuilian