Boot Camp Marketing For Trainers

Boot Camp Marketing For Fitness Trainers

If you’ve ever dreamed of owning and running your own fitness business there are many things which have likely gone through your head.  Unfortunately for most people, an effective boot camp marketing plan was not one of them and that is why so many people’s businesses fail within the first year.

When starting any new business the worst thing you can do is have the attitude of ‘if I build it, they will come’.  This is a surefire way to failure since in any competitive market clients often have dozens of choices to choose from.  Learning the boot camp marketing fundamentals so you can help ensure the success of your business from the very first day is extremely critical.

Learning the Boot Camp Marketing Fundamentals

Boot Camp Marketing

Most people starting businesses know a lot about their own business but very little about how to market it.  The fitness industry is no exception and that’s why you need boot camp marketing more than anyone.  The concept is fairly simple and consists of a combination of innovative ideas and hard work.

Having several different boot camp marketing ideas working for you at once is very important so you can analyze what is working in your market, what needs to be improved and which things should be abandoned all together.

There are two main types of fitness boot camp marketing techniques to learn.  First, the “More People Interaction Marketing” which is, as the name sounds, talking and working with people.  This will often be any existing clients you have and attempting to convince them to help you with your boot camp marketing. Of course, this does not mean hiring them on but just coming up with innovative ways to let them help you.

One example of this would be to offer referral cards as part of your boot camp marketing strategy.  Giving existing clients a limited amount of referral cards with a discount code on them to give to friends can be a very effective way to let your existing clients bring in new ones for you!  There are, of course, dozens of other ideas which will work in your boot camp marketing plan, this is just one to get the ideas flowing.

The other main type of boot camp marketing is “Less People Interaction Marketing” which is primarily done with impersonal promotions and online advertising.  When making a boot camp marketing plan of this type a big part of it will be creating a blog or website for your business and than driving traffic to it.  Boot camp marketing will help you learn how to drive this traffic through SEO and PPC strategies.

Since these methods are extremely inexpensive they can be a great way to get a steady flow of new clients through the door without having to do any significant work.  Combining these two types of boot camp marketing is often the best approach.

Boot Camp Marketing to Create Leads

Leads are the lifeblood of any boot camp marketing campaign.  Leads are any potential client who you get to interact with either in person or via phone or email and if handled right, the majority of them can become clients.

To generate leads with a boot camp marketing campaign you first have to come up with some unique ideas on how to get these leads.  This could be any other ideas already motioned, others which are offered in the boot camp marketing classes, or something you’ve come up with on your own.

Once you have a stack of leads in front of you, however, it’s time to learn to convert them into clients.  With boot camp marketing the first thing to remember is to act fast.  As soon as you get your leads you need to act on them or they will have already found a competitor to meet their needs or lost interest all together.

While running your business and your boot camp marketing strategies you will have a constant flow of leads coming in.  Learning to manage and organize these leads is extremely important.  Whether you keep them in a file folder in the office or organized on the computer is up to you, but having them put in a system you understand is a critical part of boot camp marketing.

From the first day of learning your boot camp and fitness marketing techniques you’ll be provided with many new ideas and great suggestions which will help you turn your start up fitness business into the successful company you’ve dreamed of.  Don’t let this opportunity slip by as a successful boot camp marketing plan can often mean the difference between success and failure in your business.

Just like any fitness program, the boot camp marketing system requires dedication, hard work and perseverance in order to success.  If you’re willing to put in the work to make your dream a reality, the boot camp marketing system can show you the way!