Operation Mastermind

Hope you’re doing good! I’m writing this blog post from beautiful La Jolla, CA (San Diego) while out here checking out the soon to be open La Jolla Fit Body Boot Camp.

I’ve got a new and really awesome video for you that you have NEVER seen. It’s from Fitness Business Summit 11. And the video has tons of lessons in it for you and me becuase what happens within the first two minutes of the video is why I plan on holding Fitness Business Summit 12. (you’ll see what I mean when you watch it).

Also, a bunch of fitness pros have been asking whether I will be opening up our Fitness Info Masterminds Group to new members. Well, we’ve decided to open it up and take a few new members on board (Something we don’t do often becuase the group is so awesome, successful and has really good energy – plus we don’t have room for too many new members).

But, if you think you want to learn more about information marketing and creating an info product like a membership site, DVD, or ebook then this might be the group for you so be sure to check underneath the video below to see how you can apply for the Fitness Info Mastermind Group.


It’s a funny thing… but often times we think that we need that “one big shift” to happen in our business in order to get it to blow up. That couldn’t be further from the truth, because last week I put up a blog post from my good pal and coaching client Josh Carter and he made one little tweak to one system of his business and the results where significant.

To that point, I know a whole mess of trainers who have made another little tweak in their business and gotten HUGE results. That simple change was learning a proven script and system to close clients during a consultation.

My point is this… don’t look for, think, or believe anyone who says, there is a magic bullet that will blow your business up or is the solution to your fitness business needs. There is no ONE BIG thing… but there are a bunch of little tweaks and changes that you can make that will create a HUGE shift in your fitness business.

And this leads me to this blog post – well the video bellow, becuase in it you’re going to get another little things (actually this is a BIG thing) that will give your fitness business an instant shift. (And if you’re a fitness info marketer, or want to start selling fitness info products online then be sure to pay extra close attention to this video).

Click play, and enjoy =)

Hope you enjoyed the video. Here’s how to apply for the Fitness Info Mastermind Group:

1. Email my mastermind concierge Bryn at KeuilianMasterminds@gmail.com and she’ll send you an application of interest.

2. Fill out the application of interest and email it back to her.

3. If you’re a good fit and you qualify then Bryn will set up you up with a 15 minute informal but important call where you and I can chat about what you want to achieve in your info business and we’ll see our Fitness Info Mastermind group will a good fit for you.

Email Bryn here: KeuilianMasterminds@gmail.com

(Please don’t email if you’re interested in joining my 7 Figure Formula mastermind group for off line fitness businesses like personal training studios and boot camps. Both of the 7 Figure groups are full and have a long waiting list).